Space Wiki

Spaceport America (formerly the Southwest Regional Spaceport) is a commercial ground-based infrastructure for space projects in Donna Ana County, New Mexico, USA. It's located in the Jornada del Muerto desert basin just west of the White Sands Missile Range. It lies 90 miles (140 km) north of El Paso, 45 miles (72 km) north of Las Cruces, 30 miles (48 km) east of Truth or Consequences. Spaceport America was officially declared open on October 18, 2011.

The site has been described as "the world's first purpose-built commercial spaceport" and currently holds a strong partnership with the world's first commercial space travel company, Virgin Galactic. The Spaceport is also a hub for UP Aerospace and Payload Specialties. As of October 2009, eight suborbital missions have been successfully launched from the port.

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